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Вот что я нашёл на Ютьюбе

Составитель: 477.5 kgs - Danielyan - Highest Contest Weightlifting Total of All Time In this rare footage, Ashot Danielyan puts together the largest total ever lifted (477.5 kgs) in a weightlifting meet at a domestic competition in Armenia — thus this is NOT an official IWF world record. The performance does, however, exceed Taranenko and Rezazadeh's greatest competition totals. We all know that on occasion unofficial lifts done in domestic competitions max exceed the IWF world records: some good examples are Salimi's 217kg snatch and Sypko's 216.5kg snatch. What is unusual here is that footage exists of the lifts. Danielyan was busted for doping in 2000, which may explain why many of his IWF sanctioned performances were less dazzling than this one.

Ответов - 3

дед: Я этот ролик года два назад увидел. Интересно, веса реальные?

Артур09: дед Веса вроде реальные. А как года два назад увидел, если ролик год назад впервые появился? :))

дед: Ну, может, год назад:-). Даниэлян уже лет десять не выступает.

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